Sensory Scout Blog — Sensory Tools

4 Benefits of Hammocks in the Home

4 Benefits of Hammocks in the Home

July 22 is National Hammock Day. To celebrate, we’re exploring “all things hammock,” including the difference between hammocks and beds, how to sleep in a hammock, and why hammocks might benefit your health. 

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How Kathy’s Preschooler Went from being a Distracted Student to an Active Learner

How Kathy’s Preschooler Went from being a Distracted Student to an Active Learner

Meet Kathy Davis, a mom of a preschooler who shared with us her story of how NeuroBrocc has helped her...

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Sulforaphane and Brain Health: Is Broccoli Beneficial?

Sulforaphane and Brain Health: Is Broccoli Beneficial?

It’s a powerful ingredient with a strange name: Sulforaphane. Why should you care? Because sulforaphane has been shown to improve...

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Sulforaphane Benefits for Autism

Sulforaphane Benefits for Autism

One ingredient, in particular, is drawing a lot of attention for its unique effects on children with autism. It has a funny name–sulforaphane–but its impact on the lives of people with ASD is no laughing matter. Today, we look at the wonder ingredient with a complicated name: what is it, how does it benefit people with ASD and where can you find it?

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The Top Three Supplements for Autism

The Top Three Supplements for Autism

Children and adults with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) have long benefited from specific vitamins and supplements. Certain ingredients can improve issues like low vitamin levels, sleep disruptions, and gastrointestinal problems, whether increased naturally through the diet or taken as a pill or tablet.

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