Sensory Scout Blog

Sulforaphane Benefits for Autism

Sulforaphane Benefits for Autism

One ingredient, in particular, is drawing a lot of attention for its unique effects on children with autism. It has a funny name–sulforaphane–but its impact on the lives of people with ASD is no laughing matter. Today, we look at the wonder ingredient with a complicated name: what is it, how does it benefit people with ASD and where can you find it?

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Three Tips for Helping Your Autistic Child Thrive

Three Tips for Helping Your Autistic Child Thrive

There’s another saying we like: “It takes a village.” In honor of that idea, we will look at three tips for helping your autistic child thrive. It’s not to say all autistic children are the same or respond the same way–far from it. However, history and experience show us practices and strategies proven to improve the lives of autistic children, and we want to share those tips with you!

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Could Art Therapy Help Your Autistic Child Flourish?

Could Art Therapy Help Your Autistic Child Flourish?

Making art is a primal human drive that we instinctively understand even as children. It's like a language that lets us make up the rules as we go along, but it still leaves us feeling satisfied that we are expressing ourselves authentically. Maybe that’s part of the reason why art is such a perfect fit for people with an autistic spectrum disorder, and why art therapists can unlock so many benefits when they introduce autistic children to this colorful world.

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Sensory Diet Treatment: How it Works

Sensory Diet Treatment: How it Works

Although “sensory diet” sounds like something involving the kitchen, it’s actually all about physical activities and exercise. Each sensory diet will look different, depending on the needs of the individual. But a sensory diet always aims to help children feel more sensorily organized, calm and focused.

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5 Love Languages of Parents For Children with SPD

5 Love Languages of Parents For Children with SPD

"I love you!" These are the three words that everyone wishes to hear. After all, it is love that keeps the world turning. But is it possible to say "I love you" without really saying those words? Thankfully,  There are many meaningful, creative, and memorable ways to express this sentiment. Here's 5 love languages of parents for their children. | Sensory Scout

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