Sensory Scout Blog

4 Benefits of Hammocks in the Home

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4 Benefits of Hammocks in the Home

4 Benefits of Hammocks in the Home

July 22 is National Hammock Day. To celebrate, we’re exploring “all things hammock,” including the difference between hammocks and beds, how to sleep in a hammock, and why hammocks might benefit your health.   If you’re like most people, you’ve probably tried a hammock once or twice. It’s a nifty contraption that’s usually associated with summertime, relaxation, and maybe some awkward onboarding and offboarding maneuvers. But hammocks are a lot more versatile than people realize!   Consider the following:
  • You can hang hammocks indoors or outdoors
  • A hammock can lend a cool vibe to just about any room
  • Some people nap or sleep in hammocks for better sleep
  • In some parts of the world, hammock sleeping is common 
Now that your brain is buzzing with hammock curiosity, let’s look at how hammocks can benefit you and your family.



Hammock Benefits

Studies on the benefits of hammocks are limited. But there are plenty of people all across the globe who swear by their trusty hammock and its bundle of benefits. From falling asleep faster to achieving higher quality sleep, hammock fans know this simple swing has much to offer.   



Zero Pressure Point Sleep


Zero pressure point sleep means that instead of your body conforming to your bed, your bed conforms to your body. For example, pressure is usually applied to your shoulders, back, and butt with a mattress.


With a hammock, there are no particular contact points between your bed and your body. Instead, you are held and “hugged” by the hammock in a free-floating manner. In other words, equal pressure is applied across your entire body, and many people consider this a better way to sleep



Deeper Sleep

Sawing logs in a hammock can lead to deeper sleep. That’s thought to be due to the rocking sensation. Certain studies have shown that individuals who napped in hammocks experienced a more rapid transition from being awake to being asleep.
Sleep researchers suggest gentle swinging may affect your internal sleep rhythms, helping you achieve deeper sleep.

Decreased Back Pain

Sleeping in a hammock isn’t for everyone. Some people find it less comfortable than the mattress they’ve come to know and love. But others report the exciting benefit of decreased back pain. And if you’ve ever experienced chronic back pain, you know how welcome any relief can be.
For optimal results, be sure and:
  • Support your neck with a high-quality pillow
  • Wrap yourself in a big, comfy blanket
  • Put a second pillow under your knees for extra back support


The Sway Advantage

Everyone instinctively knows that swaying is soothing. But we usually forget about this simple strategy as adults! Hammocks are good for our brains–no matter our age–because the swaying motion affects brain waves, promotes calm, and relaxes our whole body.
Our Mesh Sensory Swing is very similar to a hammock in this regard. It’s a popular sensory tool that helps kids (of all ages) relax and reset as they swing, sway, and slip into a peaceful state of mind.

4 Benefits of Sleeping in a Hammock: Conclusion

You can install a hammock just about anywhere–inside or out. Many enjoy hammocks in their study, den, living room, or playroom. Making your hammock childproof is a breeze and mainly involves padding underneath to cushion those inevitable tumbles.

Incorporating a hammock into your routine is fun and easy! Experiment with morning reading, afternoon naps, indoor “campouts,” or evening “unwind hour.” Some even prefer a hammock to a traditional bed. Remember: There’s no wrong way to hang out!
Stay connected with Sensory Scout for the latest news and products, plus invaluable community support. Access sensory tools and toys, teletherapy sessions, and more through our Facebook Group. From all of us here at Sensory Scout, we wish you and your hammock a very happy, healthy life together!