Sensory Scout Blog — ADHD

Music Therapy: 3 Benefits for ADHD

Music Therapy: 3 Benefits for ADHD

“Music therapy” involves a wide range of benefits that occur when people listen to music. “There are few things that stimulate the brain the way music does,” says one otolaryngologist (an ear, nose and throat doctor). And music has many benefits for individuals with ADHD, too. Music therapy can enhance concentration, improve mood and boost brainpower. And that’s just the beginning!

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Neurodivergent Versus Neurotypical: What’s the Difference?

Neurodivergent Versus Neurotypical: What’s the Difference?

Understanding the difference between neurodivergent and neurotypical behavior can be confusing. Never fear! Today, we’re looking at what each term means, spotting characteristics, and meaningful ways to offer support. 

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What is the ADHD Spectrum?

What is the ADHD Spectrum?

Today, we’re looking at what it means when people talk about ADHD being a spectrum. But first, let’s start with ADHD itself. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a neurodevelopmental disorder.

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What You Need to Know About Hyperfixation and ADHD

What You Need to Know About Hyperfixation and ADHD

Hyperfixation is when someone becomes so totally immersed in something that they lose awareness of everything else. It can happen to anyone but commonly occurs in individuals with ADHD and autism. We talk about why hyperfixation is neither all-good nor all-bad, what to look for, and how to manage it.

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