Sensory Scout Blog — Sensory Processing Disorder

How to Play With a Child Who Has Sensory Processing Disorder

How to Play With a Child Who Has Sensory Processing Disorder

If you are the parent or guardian of a child with SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder), you know that special care and attention must be given to their everyday activities and routines. While every kid loves to play, kids with SPD have their own ways of processing, extending to how they experience and enjoy playtime.

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5 Tips to Reduce Sensory Sensitivity

5 Tips to Reduce Sensory Sensitivity

Reducing sensory sensitivity can be tremendously helpful for children with sensory issues. While each child is unique, these tips and insights should help you determine one or more effective strategies and bring a smile to both of your faces.

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What is Sensory Processing Disorder, and What Does it Mean?

What is Sensory Processing Disorder, and What Does it Mean?

What is Sensory Processing Disorder and What Does it Mean? Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), or often just called Sensory Disorder,...

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